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Tim Walz

Gov. Tim Walz is a shining example of what it means to put people ahead of profits. Gov. Walz, a gun owner and veteran, once received an "A" rating from the NRA, but said that after the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting he felt a growing “deep unease” with the NRA and the group’s growing extremism. 

Walz has said he has always been in support of reform, but it was in the aftermath of the 2018 Parkland shooting that Walz became more vocal about his support for gun violence prevention policies coming out in support of an assault weapons ban and stating  that ‘gun safety isn’t a threat to the Second Amendment — it’s about keeping our kids safe.’ 

Gov. Walz said:

I know that there’s no place for weapons of war in our schools, or in our churches, or in our banks, or anywhere else people are just trying to live their lives without fear. I got an A rating from the NRA my first term in Congress. Now I get straight F’s. And I sleep just fine.

Gov. Walz soon became one of the fiercest advocates for gun violence prevention in the Midwest, having enacted numerous life-saving gun violence prevention laws that protect Minnesota communities from gun violence. 

In 2023, he signed a historic gun safety package into law that expanded background checks, created extreme risk protection orders, invested $70 million in community violence intervention, and more. In 2024, Gov. Walz continued, signing into law a bill that establishes harsher penalties for straw purchasers who arm prohibited purchasers and prohibits binary triggers — deadly devices that increase the lethality of semi-automatic firearms. His record on gun violence prevention speaks for itself, and we know he will bring the same dedication to our issue in the White House. 

The addition of Gov. Walz alongside Vice President Kamala Harris has created one of the strongest gun violence prevention tickets in history. The Brady Campaign is proud to endorse both Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz as they will free America from gun violence.